Basics of validating questionnaires

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International Dental & Medical Journal of Advanced Research - VOLUME 2015

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Nursing Times Research

The questionnaire survey is a common and important tool in nursing research. However, there are many psychologically related issues and limitations which may not always be considered. This paper brings these issues together under four headings: theory-building; validity of self-report; measurement and analysis — that is, spanning the formulation of the research, the collection and analysis of data through to the interpretation of the results. In planning questionnaire research the explanatory limitations must be recognised, the aims must be linked directly to the measures, other methods should be considered as checks, and, most importantly, professional advice should be sought during the planning.

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BMC Medical Research Methodology

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Questionnaire construction has overtime evolved with consistency and rarely, it has been skipped in the world’s researches. Questionnaires form the basis for which most pieces of information can be obtained. In the very light, response rates to questions and accuracy of data findings are possible through the use of questionnaire usage. Where a questionnaire is poorly constructed, one faces the risk of missing out vital information which could be forming the basis for research. This paper discusses the relevance and importance of questionnaire construction in data collection and research. An attempt is made to show questionnaire usage in social research and other research processes. Ultimately, questionnaire construction is considered just as important as any other research process used while collecting data. Some key recommendations that could make questionnaire usage in research better are also briefly considered.

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RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY INTRODUCTION For every dimension of interest and specific question or set of questions, there are a vast number of ways to make questions. Although the guiding principle should be the specific purposes of the research, there are better and worse questions for any particular operational. How to evaluate the measures? Two of the primary criteria of evaluation in any measurement or observation are: 1. Whether we are measuring what we intend to measure. 2. Whether the same measurement process yields the same results. These two concepts are validity and reliability. Reliability and validity are important concepts in research. The everyday use of these terms provides a sense of what they mean (For example, your friends are reliable. Your opinion is valid). In research, their use is a little more complex. How can a researcher be sure that the data gathering instrument being used will measure what it is supposed to measure and will do this in a consistent manner? This is a question that can only be answered by examining the definitions for and methods of establishing the validity and reliability of a research instrument. These two are very important aspects of research design.

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Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice