The Test Day Toolkit includes features for before, during, and after SAT test day.
Offer the SAT to juniors and seniors in school, on a weekday—promoting equity and expanding access for your students.
View dates and deadlines for bulk registration.
What students who plan on taking the SAT with accommodations need to know.
Learn about what is changing, what is staying the same, and how to request accommodations for the digital exam.
Search for the 6-digit code that identifies your institution to College Board. With your institution’s school code, you can ensure materials like scores and transcripts are sent to the right place.
Use this template to communicate the benefits of SAT School Day with parents and families.
Use this customizable website copy template to inform students and families about an upcoming SAT School Day administration, the benefits for students, and information about the transition to digital.
Read this fact sheet to learn how digital is different from paper testing.
Check out this convenient one-pager with links to resources on how to get started, trainings and webinars, E-Modules, and videos for the digital SAT Suite of Assessments.