How to Write a Scholarship Thank-You Letter (With Examples)

Summary. To write a thank-you letter for a scholarship, open with a straightforward “thank you,” being sure to mention the particular scholarship, then move into an explanation of who you are and how this scholarship will impact you. Close with another note of thanks and sign your name.

Thank-You Letter for a Scholarship with examples

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The Importance of Thanking Your Donor

There’s no doubt about it. If you’ve been awarded a scholarship, you’ve earned it. With that being said, it’s still imperative to thank your scholarship donor for their contribution to your future.

Despite all the balancing that comes with beginning a college education and financing the endeavor, you should find time in between to write a thank-you letter to people and organizations who have contributed through scholarships. While writing a letter of thanks to a donor for their scholarship offer won’t often be required of you, the gesture says a lot about your character and demonstrates how much you value the opportunity.

A thank-you letter for a scholarship can make your donor confident that they picked the right person to receive it. It’s critical for them to know that their donation has gone to a good cause and someone who appreciates it.

How to Write a Thank You for a Scholarship

Once the excitement of receiving a scholarship has worn off, you should get to work writing a well-written thank-you letter and send it out as soon as possible.

Consider the following steps to creating an appreciative and professional thank-you letter for a scholarship.

  1. Use proper formatting. You should be aware of the format, whether you’re sending a thank-you email or writing a hand-written letter. Do some research into a typical professional format for whichever way you choose to deliver your correspondence, and tailor your own thank-you letter to meet this standard.
  2. Use the correct salutation and date. Opening with a professional salutation is an introduction that welcomes the reader. You want your donor to see you in a positive light from the very beginning. If you’re very familiar with the donor, you can use “Dear First Name.” In the case of a more distant relationship, stick to using “Mr./Mrs./Ms. Last Name.” When you don’t have a specific person you’ve communicated with, such as when a financial aid institution awards the scholarship, you can thank the university or organization. You should also include the date on your thank-you letter, even via email, to give the reader some time reference.
  3. Mention the scholarship title and be straightforward with your gratitude. In the first paragraph of your thank-you letter, you should mention the title of the scholarship you’ve received, followed up with your immediate gratitude. Most scholarships have a name, and it’s best to include it early on in your email. If for nothing else, to get your reader on the same page. You should be forthcoming with your appreciation early on in the letter. Don’t hesitate. By the second sentence, you should express gratitude.
  4. Go into detail. Your donor has become well acquainted with who you are by the time they choose you to receive a scholarship. Use the second paragraph of their letter to deepen this connection and let them know what their money is going towards. Details can Involve:

Examples of Thank-You Letters for Scholarships

Community Service Scholarship Thank You Letter Example

Subject Line: Thank You for the Scholarship Offer October 22, 2020 Mrs. Leslie Kemper
American Student Scholarship Center
229 East Brookville Ln.
Berkeley, CA, 28299 Dear Mrs. Kemper, I am thrilled and honored to be a recipient of the Fall 2020 “Outstanding Community Service Scholarship” from the American Student Scholarship Center. I’d like to extend my gratitude for this generous contribution to my educational success. I have been accepted to pursue a bachelor’s degree at the University of Los Angeles, and I plan to focus on film studies. I’d like to use my time studying to further my knowledge and turn it into skills for a real career in the film industry. I’ve known that this was the path for me ever since I saw my first movie with my dad as a child. I thought it was beautiful the way they made a story on the screen and wanted to be a part of that. Your scholarship offer is going to help turn this dream into a reality. I intend to use the financial assistance from the Outstanding Community Service Scholarship to help pay my tuition and go towards needed equipment to excel in the program. Thank you very much for awarding me with this incredible scholarship. It is the help of your generosity that’s allowing me to begin an education that can propel me into a prosperous career in film. Sincerely, Kelsie Everett
(380)-228-1911 29 Chesnut Dr.
Los Angeles, CA, 28820

Academic Achievement Scholarship Thank You Letter Example

Subject Line: Appreciation for Scholarship Award October 22, 2020 Scholarship and Financial Aid Office
University of Chicago
289 College Ave.
Chicago, IL, 88900 Dear University of Chicago Scholarship Committee, I wanted to reach out with my sincere appreciation for being awarded the Academic Achievement Scholarship by the University of Chicago. I am very excited to receive this scholarship and use it to its full potential. I am entering my sophomore year at the University of Chicago, with plans to graduate in the spring of 2022. I’m majoring in Social Work, and my ultimate goal is to use my education to become a child welfare social worker. I currently work two part-time jobs at restaurants to support my growth towards this goal. During this year, my studies will become much more intense, including a hands-on internship. This scholarship will allow me to only need to work one position and put more time into my schoolwork and internship. I can’t thank the Scholarship and Financial Aid Office of the University of Chicago enough for awarding me with the chance to focus more on my social work studies. I know that my education and skills will benefit greatly from the University’s investment. Sincerely, Timothy Payton 900 Lakehill Rd.
Chicago, IL, 58503

Tips for Writing a Thank-You Letter for a Scholarship

  1. Be honest. You probably landed this scholarship because you communicated your financial need and aspirations honestly. You should continue this tone in your thank-you letter. When you give details about how much their contribution means to you, dig deep and come up with some sincere emotion. Authenticity will be received well by your donor.
  2. Be concise. Your application was the time to go into page after page details about yourself. Now that you’ve been offered the scholarship position, make sure that your thank-you letter is much briefer. While you want to convey your appreciation and future plans accurately, you should do this in the shortest way possible. Keep it to the necessary information only.
  3. Be appreciative. While it comes with the territory that a thank-you letter involves appreciation, this is especially important when writing one for a scholarship. Being awarded a scholarship is a wonderful gift. Whether it’s coming from an organization or an individual, offering a scholarship to someone says that they believe in your potential and want to help foster your success. You shouldn’t take this lightly. Make sure that your donor knows how much you appreciate the gift of your scholarship.
  4. Write it from scratch. While consulting samples from the internet can help you understand the format of a thank-you letter for a scholarship, you should always write yours from scratch. A reader will be able to tell if you’re just filling in the blanks of a script, and it can be discouraging. You want your scholarship donor to feel appreciated and acknowledged. The best way to do that by personalizing their thank-you letter.
  5. Proofread before sending. It’s always a good idea to double check your work for any spelling or grammar errors before sending a thank you letter. Proofread the letter before sending it and make sure all the information is correct, especially the spelling of the name of the person you’re sending it to.

Scholarship Award Thank-You Letter FAQ

  1. How long should a thank-you letter for a scholarship be?The length of a scholarship letter should be two to three paragraphs. These paragraphs should be a few sentences each. While there is no right or wrong length, you should not be sending just a sentence or two. You also don’t want to send a letter that is multiple pages.
  2. How do you end a thank-you letter?Using “Sincerely” is a pretty safe bet. You can also use “best regards”, “gratefully”, or “kind thanks” to end your letter. You will want to keep the ending professional.
  3. How do you respond to a scholarship offer?The best way to respond to a scholarship offer is to send a letter. This would be in the form of a thank-you letter. When writing this letter you should address it to the scholarship donor, include the name of the scholarship, and show your gratitude for the offer.
  4. How long should a thank-you letter for a scholarship be?A thank-you letter for a scholarship should be about one page long. Your letter can be as short as two paragraphs, but much less than that communicates that you didn’t put any effort into your letter. On the other hand, a thank-you note that is longer than one page is probably too long-winded.


  1. Plymouth State University – Scholarship Thank You Letters
  2. Penn State Abington – Scholarship Thank You Letter Samples

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