The Florida Fire Prevention Code is adopted by the State Fire Marshal at three year intervals as required by Chapter 633.202, Florida Statutes. This complex set of fire code provisions are enforced by the local fire official within each county, municipality, and special fire district in the state. The county, municipality or special district in which you reside may also have local amendments applicable only to your community.
If you have a specific question regarding the Florida Fire Prevention Code or how it affects a specific building, occupancy or place of residence, please contact your local fire official. You may access an online "Read Only" version of the Florida Fire Prevention Code by clicking on the link below:
8th Edition (2023) FFPC Online & Purchasing (Effective date: December 31, 2023) *Free NFPA registration required to access FFPC.
The 8th Edition of the Florida Fire Prevention Code is now available for purchase online, or by contacting:
Call Toll-Free 1-800-344-3555
Customer Contact Center: 11 Tracy Drive, Avon, MA 02322
Headquarters: 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169
Access any local amendment affecting your community. Local amendments are enforceable only by the local jurisdiction and may not be appealed to the State Fire Marshal.