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Surname Changes Upon Marriage and Identity Dilemma

As a lasting practice, the surname change obligation towards women has become a controversial issue in the countries which have this legislation. The issue dates to 1850’s, a feminist, Lucy Stone declared to reject to change her surname by “My name is the symbol of my own identity and must not be lost.” (Kramarae & Treichler 1992, 292 as cited in Arichi 1999). The crucial aspect of name, which is its fundamental ties with identity, must be taken into consideration initially. It plays a central role in the development of individual self and social identity. Historical documents represent noticeable examples of identity through surname; from American slaves to Nazis practices (Anthony 2014, 85-86), that were used for cultural dominance and assimilation, because a community’s identification and its roots are strengthened by surname. On a broad perspective the concept of “surname change” constitutes both legal, where women in certain countries are enforced to drop their surname; and socio-cultural issues in which women have acquired the right to keep their surname prefer to change their birth name, influenced by societal imposition and customs. This paper specifically focuses on heterosexual marriages, excluding gay marriages since they have only been recently welcomed to the society and the civic code around the world meaning that there is a lack of data about surname adoption in gay marriages. Consequently, surname change obligation towards women upon marriage results in the exploitation of personal rights in terms of identity when this legal procedure is enforced, and a matter of choice leads to the continuation of the existing gender inequality.

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Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research)

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Proceedings of the 3rd Tarumanagara International Conference on the Applications of Social Sciences and Humanities (TICASH 2021)

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The Pretoria Student Law Review

In recent years there have been reports of the Department of HomeAffairs changing women’s surnames to that of their husbands upon theconclusion of a marriage without the married women’s consent. Thisconduct by the Department of Home Affairs officials infringes, as thisarticle will argue, not only on the affected women’s right to justadministrative action but also on the rights to equality and dignity and,in some instances, freedom of movement and universal suffrage. Thisarticle enquires into the possibility of taking the conduct of theDepartment of Home Affairs, which arguably amounts to administrativeaction, on judicial review seeking systemic relief. It will look at thesexist and patriarchal social norms relied upon to justify the conduct ofthe Department of Home Affairs and calls for intervening measures thatnot only result in broader social recognition but also effectivelydismantle the systems and frameworks of inequality that continue tomarginalise and subjugate women in the so.

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International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding

Article 65 of Law No. 2 of 2014 concerning Notarial Department states "Notary, Substitute Notary and Notary Acting Officer are responsible for any deed made even though the Notary Protocol has been submitted or transferred to the notary protocol depository." In practice, it often occurs when the Protocol Deed is transferred to the Notary protocol holder of the party harmed by the existence of the deed to a lawsuit involving a retired notary public. This is as happened in the case in the Banda Aceh District Court. This relates to the summoning of witnesses who must obtain approval from the Notary Honorary Assembly in accordance with Article 66 paragraph 1 of the UUJN. This research aims to explain the position of the Deed made by a retired Notary who is sued to the Court and the liability of the Notary Protocol Holder if the Deed of Protocol held in question in the Court and to know the need for approval from the Notary Honorary Assembly if the retired notary is called as a.

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