The objective of Seat Time Recovery (STR) is to allow students who are currently passing a course or just below passing and have more than the maximum number of absences. Seat Time Recovery will enable participants to make up the hours required to receive credit for a course.
South Carolina law mandates that a student has no more than 5 unexcused/unlawful absences from any semester-long class or over 3 unexcused/unlawful absences from any quarter-long class.
If unlawful absences are not made up, students WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT for this course. To assist you with this issue, Eastside High School offers Seat Time Recovery (STR) options to help make up the seat time required for this class. Seat Time Recovery sessions are available on the following dates:
JAN. 25 ROOM 222
JAN. 30 ROOM 222
FEB 13 ROOM 205
FEB 15 ROOM 222
FEB 20 ROOM 205
FEB 22 ROOM 222
FEB 27 ROOM 205
FEB 29 ROOM 205
MAR 12 ROOM 205
MAR 26 ROOM 222
MAR 28 ROOM 205
APR 11 ROOM 205
APR 16 ROOM 222
APR 23 ROOM 205
APR 25 ROOM 222
APR 30 ROOM 205
MAY 14 ROOM 205
MAY 16 ROOM 222
MAY 21 ROOM 205
· STR is $10 per 3 hour session.
· If additional unexcused absences accrue past the date above, additional STR hours will be required.
· Serving STR DOES NOT excuse missed work. Makeup work must be coordinated with the teacher.
· ALL STR sessions are held at Eastside High School and are published on the Eastside website.
· All Seat Time must be made up by May 22, 2024.
Please pay and schedule your STR hours at least 24 hours PRIOR to your chosen STR date. You may sign up with Ms. Greggs (S103) in attendance before school or during your lunch.